Nice stash' German dude.
Joined on 2/9/06
Then who the fuck is the Baseball guy supposed to be? Is that an American riding the ass of that Mexican?
Germany's too lax that close to the finish line, Italy's gonna get a jump on them.
Then again we all know how them Italians love switching sides! XD
Were you paying attention to the fantasy league?
ballin, shot callin, 20 inch rims, on my impala HOLLA gettin laid tonight
wow that phobotech guy is dumb the italians were the side changers in WWI not WWII
is number 3 the star of the arcade classic burgertime?
I bet the Milwaukee Brewers were thinking the same thing when they came up with the costume.
Is that a Barack Obama mascot?
Sombrero and all.
lol nice one
The guy with the chef hat might be half black. I put my money on him. Although if there are hurtles to jump then the Mexican might win.
Doesn't matter because the German guy is going to win. Heil.