
Joined on 2/9/06

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3 years on NG

Posted by 36Holla - February 9th, 2009

Today marks the 3rd commemoration of the day I saw my first cock joke and I decided that I wanted to stay around and be apart of the fun. This place has come a long way in three years. I still remember the old layout, though it's image is slowly fading from my mind and I remember some of the old users from the beginning who are no longer around.

I remember when I saw regulars who had around the same amount of posts I had and wondering how they could accumulate so many. Three years later and now I am one of those regs. During this time, I managed to find a few people from this website who I've managed to develop some friendship with. This is a big reason for why I've stayed as long as I have. If I didn't know the people who I know today from the site, I probably wouldn't be here right now. I'd be off doing something productive and who needs that eh?

So to Pat, Josh, Minion, Steve, Ryan, Jerry, Shauna, James, Aaron, Sanjay, Luke, Goonie, Mast3rmind, Val, Willi, Molotov, NEVR, Gfoxcook, most of the Wi/Ht? regs, Jamoke, Ornery, and anyone else who I forgot but I had a fun time with on this website, thanks for making it a fun three years.


I've got one question... Was it all worth it? :P

For the most part yes. I wish I had done some more outside activities in that time span but meh, no biggie.


June 29th will mark my 4th year on NG. Seems odd that I will have been here for that long.


4 years!? You're so old! Be careful when you drive grandpa. ;)

I can't wait to be here four years and start gathering my retirement benefits. It's gonna be sweet!


The vein running down it is what makes it so manly.

Also thanks for putting my first on the list. We really do make a cute couple. My 5th year will be coming up in a few months.

I could say I didn't put the names in order of importance and that I love you all equally but I know I would just be lying to myself. Thanks buddy. We'll kick off your anniversary celebration with champagne and male strippers.

ME! >:C

You're on the list buddy. First edition of it and everything.

zamboni more like zamBONER

gosh golly jeepers I'm so witty!!

a guf a guf a guf

I just noticed that you're really starting to close in on the 10k mark. That thread better be epic.

It won't be, believe me. I expect it to be locked in two minutes.

If it is going to be locked in 2 minutes that gives us (by us I mean me) to post gay porn. Meaning it will be epic.

That was the initial thought I had. Even if I tried making a serious post, there you'd guys be a few seconds later with your pictures.