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I like Australian hip-hop.
Hilltop Hoods- Chase that feeling: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq8PyyMbrYQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq8Pyy MbrYQ</a>

Drapht- Falling: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPPiw5ri4_I">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPPiw5 ri4_I</a>

Bliss N Eso- The Sea Is Rising: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmYz-RE9YmA">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmYz-R E9YmA</a>

Phrase- Clockwork: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJz6GPvyf4I">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJz6GP vyf4I</a>

I'm not hugely into rap or hip hop, but I'm glad I've dabbled here and there amongst sifting through other genres.

Awesome. I'll check this stuff out in a bit. Gonna go and get my copy of Batman: Arkham Asylum now though.

Also, the Jedi Mind Tricks song reminded me of a hip hop cover of an Australian anti-Vietnam song called "I was only nineteen".
Cover by The Herd: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns82tHhJOr0">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns82tH hJOr0</a>

Try to justify it as much as your can, rap sucks and always will.

Haha, c'mon man, you gotta come in with something better than that. I mean you don't even give a good reason for why you don't like it. If you don't like it then that's your opinion on it, which is fine, but if you can't even give a reason then your argument is shot down from the get go.

I'm always up for a good debate.
It's made by the talentless to produce the illusion of talent.
How much skill does it require? The only hard part would be making something rhyme, in which case, a rhyme dictionary is always present.
You use a synthesizer for pretty much everything, and as far as vocals go, speaking isn't hard to do.

There goes your argument against it not requiring any skill.
Also, Kanye West is a condescending prick.

I'm wondering what rap/hip hop artists you've listened to to come to that conclusion. In it's more basic form, rap is poetry, as it uses measures, and poetry elements such as metaphors, similies, symbolism, hyperbole, etc. and both are spoken to a rhythm. Saying it's made by talentless people is by extension calling poets in general talentless which I think you'll find most people disagree with.

It also goes beyond just rhyming words. You have to match lyrical flow to the song beat, and tell a story at the same time. At times it is impossible to match certain words up with a specific situation using a rhyme book. If you're thinking of a general rhyme word like cat and bat then yeah you'll obviously get a result like that but there's way more complexity to it. To settle my own curiosity on it I used one of the songs in my first post (Beautiful by Eminem) and opened up an online rhyme dictionary. I went through the song and noted the words used to rhyme with each other to see if the rhyme dictionary matched them up as well. I found multiple cases where the rhymed words in the song weren't matched in the rhyme dictionary meaning he's using his own material and not a crutch. You'll find this with other artists as well.

As for synthesizing, beat makers put in a lot of work to make the BG music and the artists often have a lot of input on what the beat sounds like to help them get a feel for the flow of the song. In some cases, the rappers even make the beats themselves. Now you imply that because instruments are not being played by the artist that it lessens the talent needed to perform the song. Something to realize is that just like rock bands practice to get better at playing instruments, rappers practice their flow to get better at doing their songs. A rocker couldn't do what a rapper does as well as a rapper, and vice versa with a rapper doing what a rocker does. The reason why is because both things require a ton of practice to get good at and each genre is different and requires different training. Calling rap talentless because it rarely uses instruments is like saying metal is a talentless genre because all they do is scream into a mic. Each has their own areas where a lot of skill is required to be good at it.

And Kanye has a big head, but he makes some damn good music.

zeep zork

Don't be a stranger, stranger.

Calling a rapper a poet is like sticking fingers up your butt and saying you're a chicken.
If you think that poems about shooting n***az and gang banging and hos are great and talented stuff, then I'm sure you're a man of amazing culture.

I do recall sampling some rap against my will in my car, I recall the rapper in question saying something along the lines of liking chips and being a pimp?
Yes, I believe those were his words.
Notice how you wont find that in a rhyming dictionary either.
Making it up does not, by any means, make it good.

A synthesis machine is by far one of the easiest instruments (I use that term loosely) to use.
Put enough monkeys in a room with it and they'll produce Ode to Joy.
Or another new Kanye West album.
Did you know that most "big time" rappers actually have professional writers white their songs?

The content itself doesn't dictate what is and isn't poetry because again it's using poetic elements. Just because you don't like the message, doesn't change that. And in the first paragraph of my original post, I wrote a bit about the difference between mainstream rap which is the type of stuff that you're giving as examples and rap that has positive messages. It's like you don't want to admit that it's out there, but it is. What I see in your argument on the content in the lyrics is generalizations of the rap/hip hop genres based on what is presented in the mainstream media, which again I emphasize is shitty rap music. Stepping outside the mainstream is where you'll find the most quality.

Rhyming dictionary part...the quality of the lyrics is based on opinion and you can't judge a whole genre based on one line you remember from a rap. Said rapper may not be good, but that doesn't mean the others are all automatically bad. As long as you know that those dictionaries are rarely, if ever, used, mission accomplished.

"A synthesis machine is by far one of the easiest instruments (I use that term loosely) to use."

You'd be surprised at how complex the beats created can get. It's not as simple as making one loop in most cases. Sampling and turntable techniques are also added in if needed.

"Did you know that most "big time" rappers actually have professional writers white their songs?"

That's a very broad statement. Can you prove that it's over 50%? I'm not denying that quite a few performers in the rap industry don't write their own material, but this can also be said for many rock bands, and bands from almost every other type of genre. You can't single out rap for doing it if every other genre has this issue as well.

I Wish by Skee-Lo

^ only rap song I like, check it out. It's a cross between proper oldskool hip-hop and rap. :)

Classified - Like It's Criminal

ok i have a question in 2 parts: 1) do you will return on september 10th?
2) do you like poutine?
3) do you want to get rick rolled AGAIN by me ans sniper?

1. No
2. It's ok
3. Maybe another time.

hi new mod. now u can suck my dick to complete your initiation to become a real NG mod.

I love rap, mainly the non-mainstream like Jedi Mind Tricks (I think) and Immortal Technique. They're gruesome in their lyrics, but I like how they deliver their word.
Listen to this when you get some free time
<a href="http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=3914838">http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fus eaction=vids.individual&videoid=3 914838</a>

Lol Stereotypes. I feel the same way, just because something is mainstream doesn't mean the whole genre is that way. Jedi Mind Tricks, they are great. I've always liked them, just never listened to them much.

Eminem, guy is great no one can deny that. With the whole Relapse he did good, however with Beautiful, he put in words about how he feels to be a superstar to say the least. I've always liked Em, he's one of the reasons I listen to rap.

Also, I listen to mainstream rap and some indie rap. If you want to listen to good stuff, most of the time the indie people do good.

It's always good to see a similar opinion about rap like this.

Thanks for the support. I still have yet to fully explore JMT and the Relapse album but I'm slowly working on it in my free time.

lol i bet you like soulja boy too? i must admit though, eminem is THE SHIT.

Soulja Boy hasn't made anything of substance. He's an example of a mainstream artist who gets exposure for making songs that talk about sex, are catchy, and can be played in a club setting. That about sums him up. :l

tbh, i am a fan of some mainstream rap (Eminem, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Common, Pitbull..ect) but i must admit, soulja boy does suck (almost as hard as lil wayne). and of course i was joking when i stated you liked soulja boy because, well, nobody does.

The mainstream rappers you listed all have some merit to them, which is why I've put some of them on this list. Jay Z isn't a bad choice either and I know a few songs of his that I might consider for when I update this again.

I actually just started listening to real rap, when before all I heard was that shitty mainstream poop.

Ive actually grown to like the genre.

What artists and groups are you listening to that got you more into it?





Sup dickneck.

<a href="http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/music/a175853/kanye-west-and-soulja-boy-to-collaborate.html">http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/music/a17 5853/kanye-west-and-soulja-boy-to-col laborate.html</a>


I've been more open to rap these days, check out MF DOOM if you haven't. But to be honest I have a soft spot for that classic 90's Gangsta shit. N.W.A. were some cool bros.

I used to be really into that style of rap, but I started growing off of it a year ago. It just doesn't feel the same anymore.

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