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36Holla's News

Posted by 36Holla - July 11th, 2009

I've somehow acquired a job even in these turbulent times and it's not just a part time job, but rather a full salary position. But of course that kind of job means that I have less free time to spend here. Still, I'm alright with making a decent living. Oh how I wish I had valued my free time more when I had it. I suggest you do the same if you're in that situation.

Posted by 36Holla - June 25th, 2009

So it started as an offhand comment by Jonas as we were driving back from Montreal. "You should come to Philly for Wizard World." At the time, I wasn't able to come because of lack of money and having to find a job. Lo and behold less than a week later I had a job offer and I was ready to go to Philly.

Drove to SardonicSamurai's house (and beat him home from work) to meet up with him and spend the night there. Nothing much to it besides the Art Portal being released that day so we were checking it out.

The next day Jonas arrived and we were off to Philly a bit before noon. The drive itself was uneventful but at least there were oatmeal cream pies (Fuck yeah!) We drove straight to the Newgrounds Office where I met mostly everyone who was at the meetup. The entire staff was there, along with a few artists and voice actors such as HappyHarry, Egoraptor, The-Swain, Afro-Ninja, Luis and TomaMoto. Introductions were initiated, beer was consumed, fun times were had (as far as I can remember) I felt a little awkward during conversations at times (and all throughout the trip too) since a lot of people were talking about their flash and game projects, and me not having any experience in those things, didn't have much to say or contribute. It was still interesting to hear the others brainstorm on potential ideas though.

I will also say that after seeing the office, it's very understandable how work for the website can at times fall to the backburner, but that's also saying that I've never seen a workplace where the line between work and having fun was so close. After a bit, we headed down to the hotel near the convention center to check in to our room and we also got to check out a nearby sports bar.

Over the course of the next three days, we were setting up and running the Newgrounds booth at the convention. It was tiring work, but a lot of fun. Mostly we were showing people the games and movies that the site had on it, and selling NG stuff. I just had a good time talking about the website and about the content here. We made a lot of people laugh with the movies, and even more were interested in the three games we had on display (Portal Defenders, Castle Crashing the Beard, and NG Rumble). We met a few NG users along the way and hopefully introduced a few more people to the site. Over the course of these nights, we went out to several bars and continued to have a fun time. In particular I liked the place we went where you could draw on the walls with crayons, and dollar Pabst Blue Ribbon beers.

After the convention we were hanging around the NG office for another day, working on projects, playing video games, and barbecuing. I myself got to spend a night on one of the infamous sumo bean bags, (Comfortable as hell btw) and even got a free shirt. (Thanks again Tom, though you should have taken the money when you had the chance)

In short summary, the staff behind this website and the other artists and users who were there are some awesome people and I think most everyone had a good time. If they decide to keep on doing Wizard World next year, I will definitely try to be there again.

Posted by 36Holla - June 8th, 2009

Guess I'm going from a mild mannered review mod to an emotionless banning robot according to some users perception of it. Doubt it'll go that far unless my mind gets taken over by alien nazi robot overlords, and the chances of that are...shit what is that saucer like thing in the sky with the green laser beam coming right at me? OH FUCK!

Posted by 36Holla - April 6th, 2009

There's going to be hell to pay!

Posted by 36Holla - February 19th, 2009

I've been enjoying Street Fighter 4 for the past few days but I haven't had too many people on my friends list playing besides the NG office and they don't seem to play with too many other people besides the people in their own office. (Edit: played someone from the NG office for two rounds.)

So I'm looking for some matches with other NG members. If you want to play, add me on XBL. My gamer tag is "Triple 6 Holla" (no quotations) and when you add me, tell me you're from NG and what your user name is here.

Posted by 36Holla - February 9th, 2009

Today marks the 3rd commemoration of the day I saw my first cock joke and I decided that I wanted to stay around and be apart of the fun. This place has come a long way in three years. I still remember the old layout, though it's image is slowly fading from my mind and I remember some of the old users from the beginning who are no longer around.

I remember when I saw regulars who had around the same amount of posts I had and wondering how they could accumulate so many. Three years later and now I am one of those regs. During this time, I managed to find a few people from this website who I've managed to develop some friendship with. This is a big reason for why I've stayed as long as I have. If I didn't know the people who I know today from the site, I probably wouldn't be here right now. I'd be off doing something productive and who needs that eh?

So to Pat, Josh, Minion, Steve, Ryan, Jerry, Shauna, James, Aaron, Sanjay, Luke, Goonie, Mast3rmind, Val, Willi, Molotov, NEVR, Gfoxcook, most of the Wi/Ht? regs, Jamoke, Ornery, and anyone else who I forgot but I had a fun time with on this website, thanks for making it a fun three years.

Posted by 36Holla - January 21st, 2009

I haven't been visiting as much as I usually do lately. School started this week and that combined with my job is making it so I don't have as much time for this place. I'll be around, just not everyday.


Extra note: I will be judging the Flash Fiction contest as normally planned so for anyone who cares don't worry.

Posted by 36Holla - December 11th, 2008

Nice stash' German dude.

I thought this was funny.

Posted by 36Holla - September 15th, 2008

Edit (10/22): I've finished sending out the surveys over the PM system (FINALLY). That means that I'm not accepting any more people to take the survey as I have enough subjects. Thanks to everyone who helped.

If you have questions, send it via PM.

And one last thing. If you have yet to take the survey, please cut off the introduction of the survey post before you send it back to me. I have been getting some people sending me back incomplete surveys, particularly with questions 26 and 27, because of that character limit in the PM text box.

Posted by 36Holla - September 7th, 2008


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